
Start your students on the path to reading success today!

Are you a classroom teacher paying out of pocket for extra resources?
Sign up for a free classroom account today!

A unique program that gets results

The Red Apple Reading curriculum was developed based on National Reading Panel research on how children learn to read, along with research-based instructional practices and classroom teacher knowledge about reading instruction that works.

Students learn at their own pace

Excellent supplemental reading instruction and practice for struggling readers, English learners, and students with special needs, based on feedback from parents and teachers.

Educator Plans Include:
  • Online access to over 1,000 reading activities and videos with PreK to 2nd grade skills
  • Students use the program at school and/or log in online at home
  • Dashboard to manage account, track progress, print reports
  • Download lesson plans, workbook pages, printable readers, flash cards, and more
  • Classroom accounts for 10 to 40 students

We have affordable solutions for schools and learning centers with 40+ students.
Contact us today for a quote or more information.

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Red Apple Reading is an award-winning program from a company that values wholesomeness in learning and is COPPA compliant. Any account or student data obtained is used solely for program usage and not shared with any third-parties.

  • Mom’s Choice Award
  • - Summer Resources Awards
  • THT - Best Curriculum & Resources
  • Parent's Choise Award
  • THT - Best Curriculum & Resources
  • - Top Homeschooling Product 2024