10 Fun Memorial Day Weekend Activities

Memorial Day weekend is celebrated on the last Monday in May each year. This day was set aside by the U.S. government in order to commemorate those who have died in war. Red Apple Reading suggests that you incorporate some Memorial Day themed events into your schedule and discuss the holiday’s significance with your children. Here are some Memorial Day activities you and your family can enjoy together.

Books That Celebrate Mom | Red Apple Reading Express

Books That Celebrate Mom

Motherhood is a job that is both demanding and rewarding. I have found that most things that are worth doing are difficult – and this especially applies to motherhood! Mother’s Day is an opportunity to remember just how important and special our moms are to us. In honor of Mother’s Day, Red Apple Reading has found 10 enjoyable children’s books that celebrate Mom! These great reads will help kiddos remember that it is truly a privilege to have a mom in their life!

Reading is Important - No Fooling! Red Apple Reading

Reading Is Important – No Fooling!

It’s April 1st, so there’s a good chance that you have already been fooled by someone or will be before the day’s end. While it’s fun to joke around on April Fool’s Day with our friends and family, Red Apple Reading would like to take this opportunity to remind our followers that literacy is no joking matter. Today we want to share 10 reasons why reading is so important for your child (no fooling!).

Spring Break Educational Fun - Red Apple Reading

Spring Break (Educational!) Fun

Most schools across the country are either on spring break or about to be. If your family doesn’t have plans already, don’t fret; there’s still plenty of time to come up with a fun-filled week for your family. Red Apple Reading has five spring break ideas that will not only bring a smile to your kiddos’ faces, but will engage their minds as well.


Lucky to Have Reading Technology!

St. Patrick’s Day is here again! Although it may seem impossible that a whole year has passed since we last celebrated “the luck of the Irish”, it’s time to put on our green garb and avoid those St. Patrick’s Day pinches! Whether you believe in luck or not (I personally do not), St. Patrick’s Day can remind us of all the ways we are “lucky“, “blessed“, “fortunate“, or however else you may label it. Today, Red Apple Reading would like to share how “lucky” we are to be readers in an age of exciting technology.

10 Perfect Reads for Presidents’ Day

Presidents’ Day sneaked up on us this year! While our federal government officially calls this American holiday “Washington’s Birthday”, it has come to be recognized as a time to pay tribute to both past and present Presidents. How is your family spending this holiday? Why not use the opportunity to share a related book with your kiddo? Red Apple Reading has 10 book recommendations for you and your youngster this Presidents’ Day.

What’s Your Child’s Dream?

Fifty years ago on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his powerful, “I have a dream”, speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. M.L.K. Jr. was passionate about ending racism in America. There is so much we can learn from this great civil rights leader – one being to pursue our dreams. As adults, we often think about our goals and dreams; but do we ever stop to consider what our own kids are passionate about? Red Apple Reading would like to suggest 3 ways you can nurture your child’s passions and dreams.

Resolve-to-Read-in-2014 Red Apple Reading

Resolve to Read More in 2014!

How do you and your family commemorate the beginning of a new year? Many of us find that January is a good time to change certain behaviors that have, well, gotten a little out of hand…. One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose unwanted weight and/or eat a healthier diet. While we certainly hope that you are doing all you can to be healthy physically, we also would like to encourage you to be intellectually healthy! One way to ensure you and your kiddos are getting the intellectual stimulation you need is by resolving to read more. Red Apple Reading offers five suggestions to help you and your loved ones become a stronger reading family in 2014.