Shower Your Kids With Love - the Love of Reading!

Shower Your Kids With Loveā€”the Love of Reading, That Is!

In honor of Valentineā€™s Day, I thought Iā€™d share some unique ways of showering your child with love on this special holiday while simultaneously encouraging his love for reading. Am I suggesting you forego the traditional heart-shaped box of chocolates? Not necessarily. Just consider adding a little something special to your childā€™s Valentineā€™s gift this year, something that will remind him that you not only love him but are supportive of his literacy acquisition as well. Remember, your Valentineā€™s Day ā€œgiftā€ doesnā€™t necessarily need to be something  your child can hold.

Mastering Phonics Skills

Mastering Phonics Skills ā€“ Reading Essentials #18

In this installment of the fundamental reading skills series, weā€™ll be focusing on phonics. Phonics is the relationship between a letter and its sound. For example, the letter ā€œdā€ makes the /d/ sound when spoken out loud. Individual letter sounds, as well as some sounds resulting from combinations of letters such as ā€œchā€ and ā€œsh,ā€ are called phonemes

What is Phonemic Awareness?

What is Phonemic Awareness? Reading Essentials #17

If youā€™ll recall from our last Reading Essentials post, there are five essential skills your child must learn in order to be proficient in reading. Over the coming weeks, we will be exploring each of these skills in-depth. In this first post, weā€™ll be discussing the first skill that your child must acquireā€”phonemic awarenessā€”as well as tips and strategies you can use to support your child along the way to mastery of this skill.

Online Resources for Homeschooling

Online Resources for Homeschoolers

If youā€™ve been following the blog, then you know that Iā€™ve been seriously considering homeschooling my 10-year old son. Although there are many, many concerns that need to be addressed before I make such an important decision, chief among them are the issues of time and resources. Although I work from home, I actually do put in a lot of hours, so much of Billyā€™s learning would need to be self-guided. And, like everyone else these days, we are clamping down on our household budget, so we donā€™t want to hand over large sums of money for a homeschooling curriculum.

Is Homeschooling Right for my Child?

Is Homeschooling Right for My Child?

This is the question I have been asking myself for the last few months. Before this school year started, I wrote this post about the growing number of families who are opting for educating their children at home rather than sending them off to public school. Ironically, I may soon be joining their ranks. Since I believe that homeschooling is good for some, but not all children, Iā€™m not considering homeschooling all of my school-aged kids, just one.

Strengthening Memory Skills for Reading ā€“ Reading Essentials #15

Typically when we think of the skills required for reading, phonics, phonemes, and blending come to mind. While these specific elements of reading are no doubt important, an even more basic skill is often overlookedā€”memory! Research has linked working memory to reading comprehension, meaning that the stronger your childā€™s memory, the more equipped she will be to read fluently and understand what she reads!