Teaching Kids about Independence Day

The 4th of July is filled with all sorts of fun activities: block parties, fireworks, barbecues, and parades to name a few! Little ones enjoy participating in these events; but do they realize what they are celebrating? Unfortunately, many children donā€™t understand the significance of Independence Day. This year give your kiddos a tutorial about this important holiday using these fun activities!

Fatherā€™s Day Gift Guide

Do you find that special man in your life (father or husband) a little hard to buy for? It can be tricky to find just the right gift to give on Fatherā€™s Day, but letā€™s not give up too quickly and buy the first coffee cup or tie we see! Hopefully, this list of fun gifts for Dad will give you some inspiration as you and your family prepare for Fatherā€™s Day!

Help Your Child Avoid the Summer Slump

Ready or not, another summer season is upon us! For months children have dreamed of an extended break from the structured school schedule. While summer is a wonderful time to decompress, parents need to be mindful of the phenomenon that has become known as the summer slump. The result of not receiving enough educational stimulation over the summer months, the slump often leads to a loss of previously acquired education. What can parents do to avoid this reversal of learning? Red Apple Reading has some tips to help your child beat the summer slump!

Educational Summer Fun - Red Apple Reading

Educational Summer Fun

Although the season doesnā€™t officially begin until June 21, with Memorial Day now behind us, it feels like summer has already begun. If youā€™re like me you have mixed feelings about summertime. While Iā€™m happy that the kids have a break from school, I cringe at the idea of them sitting around watching television and playing video games for 2 months! Thatā€™s why I attempt to have some fun educational activities for them to do throughout the season. A quick perusal of the internet reveals an endless variety of ideas for fun summer learning. Here are some of our favorites!

10 Summer-Themed Books for Kids

If your kiddos are like mine, they are ready for summer! Summer is rather magical ā€“ long days, fireflies, swimming pools and popsicles are just a few of the wonderful parts of summer vacation. As your family prepares for the summer season, why not pick up a summer read for your child? Red Apple Reading has some recommendations we think you and your little one will enjoy!

Get Caught Reading in May - Red Apple Reading

Get Caught Reading!!

Did you know that May is Get Caught Reading Month? First launched in 1999, Get Caught Reading is a national campaign that reminds everyone how much fun it is to read! However, in our fast paced and hectic society, it can be challenging for kids to even find time to get caught reading! Red Apple Reading would like to encourage parents to use this month to help their kiddos discover (or rediscover) their love for reading!

Mother's Day Reflections

Motherā€™s Day Reflections

The majority of moms would agree that parenthood is a blessing. However, the truth is, itā€™s not always fun. Iā€™ll give a personal example. Last week was the kindergarten field trip to the zoo. Iā€™m going to be honest; I donā€™t relish chaperoning field trips ā€“ but I do it. So, after driving an hour to the zoo to meet the bus, I collect my group of 4 active little boys, and spend the day exploring the zoo. Suffice it to say, it was a long day. By the end of the afternoon, the fitness app on my phone had logged over 5 miles. As I was tucking in my 6 year old that night, youā€™ll never believe what he said to me. For those of you who are thinking something along the lines of, ā€œThanks mom for going on the field trip with me today ā€“ youā€™re the best!ā€ Wrong! He said, ā€œMom, next time we go to the zoo, could you not come?ā€ Really?! Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Itā€™s not always pretty and very often itā€™s a thankless job. This Motherā€™s Day I thought Iā€™d offer a few thoughts to keep in mind when the day is especially hard and long.

The Importance of Nursery Rhymes

Friday, May 1 is Mother Goose Day. Most of us probably remember reading from some version of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes while growing up. I often read nursery rhymes to my babies from a board book we had in our home library. I have very fond memories of chanting Hickory Dickory Dock, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Humpty Dumpty, and Jack and Jill to my little ones. When I was reading these rhymes to my kids, I mistakenly thought I was just reading a bed time story. Little did I know that I was actually laying a foundation for reading in their lives. Today Red Apple Reading would like to remind parents why the simple nursery rhyme is so important

Rainy Day Educational Activities

I donā€™t know what the weather has been like in your part of the country, but weā€™ve definitely had our share of rain where I live! Weā€™ve all heard the saying, ā€œApril showers bring May flowersā€; but what am I supposed to do with my active 6 year old while I wait for May?! Being cooped up in the house with little ones can be trying, but with a bit of planning you can find a rainbow in the clouds. Red Apple Reading has some fun educational activities to occupy your kiddo during those long rainy days!