The majority of moms would agree that parenthood is a blessing. However, the truth is, it’s not always fun. I’ll give a personal example. Last week was the kindergarten field trip to the zoo. I’m going to be honest; I don’t relish chaperoning field trips – but I do it. So, after driving an hour to the zoo to meet the bus, I collect my group of 4 active little boys, and spend the day exploring the zoo. Suffice it to say, it was a long day. By the end of the afternoon, the fitness app on my phone had logged over 5 miles. As I was tucking in my 6 year old that night, you’ll never believe what he said to me. For those of you who are thinking something along the lines of, “Thanks mom for going on the field trip with me today – you’re the best!” Wrong! He said, “Mom, next time we go to the zoo, could you not come?” Really?! Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It’s not always pretty and very often it’s a thankless job. This Mother’s Day I thought I’d offer a few thoughts to keep in mind when the day is especially hard and long.