10 Tips to Promote Literacy at Home

Did you know that September is National Literacy Month? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines literacy as, “the ability to read and write”. The definition may be simple, but the effects of being literate are huge! To a great extent, a person’s literacy determines how successful they will be as well as how easily they are able to navigate the details of everyday life. As parents we want our children to experience this type of success. How can we promote literacy in our homes? Red Apple Reading has some tips for how you can help nurture the growth of literacy in your little one!

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!

Although fall officially begins on September 23 each year, for most of us, Labor Day signals the end of summer and the unofficial beginning of fall. While it is sad to say goodbye to the lazy days of summer, let’s keep in mind all of the great things we will be saying hello to! This Labor Day weekend let’s anticipate all the wonderful fall fun that lies around the corner

How to Help Older Children Choose Reading Material

Would your child rather visit the dentist than pick up a book? It can be challenging for parents to find reading material that captures their children’s attention – especially older children! I have four kids and their reading interests are as varied as their personalities! My youngest is a question generator. He enjoys non-fiction books that get to the bottom of his inquiries. My 11 year old has trouble completing chapter books but loves comic book style reads such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Big Nate. My 14 year old loves fantasy and historical fiction while my 17 year old enjoys the dystopic genre of books. All kids are different and with a little effort you can help yours discover enjoyable reading material. Red Apple Reading has a few suggestions to get you started!

Make Learning Fun at Home!

Everyone wants their kids to experience success in life. An important part of parenting is making sure that our little ones develop the skills necessary to be fully literate. You don’t have to have a teaching degree in order to help your kiddo learn. In fact, the primary way that young children learn is through play! Check out these ideas on how you can make learning fun at home

7 Books that Celebrate Uniqueness

Did you know that August 13th is International Left-Handers Day? Left- handed people are definitely unique. Only about 10% of the population is left-hand dominant! Southpaws may be in the minority, but they are also in good company. Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Helen Keller, and Marie Curie were all lefties! In honor of International Left-Handers Day, Red Apple Reading has composed a list of 7 books that celebrate uniqueness.

Start the School Year on a Positive Note

Summer break is speeding by at an alarming rate! While some school children have another month of vacation to enjoy, many students are heading back to the classroom in just a couple of weeks! While returning to a structured routine is appealing, beginning a new year can be stressful for both kids and parents! Red Apple Reading has a few tips to help your family get the school year off to a positive start.

Fun Read-Aloud Chapter Books

As children get older it’s easy for parents to let daily read-aloud time slide. This summer revive this important practice in your home! Not only does reading aloud to children help to combat the “summer slump” but it also builds crucial attachments and makes for fond childhood memories. Not sure where to start? Red Apple Reading has compiled a list of 10 great chapter books that all parents should read aloud to their children.

Teaching While You Travel - Red Apple Reading

Teaching While You Travel: Making the Most of Your Road Trip!

Are you planning a family trip this summer that involves long hours in the car? Everyone loves a vacation; but the actual road trip itself can be tedious – especially for families with small children! Do you wish you had a dollar for every time a child asks, “How much longer?”? Is it possible for a Mom and Dad to arrive at their destination with their sanity intact? If you’re looking for ways to keep your children entertained on your approaching car trip, then look no further! Red Apple Reading has some tips for not only keeping your kiddo entertained but also intellectually stimulated during your upcoming road trip!

Beat the Heat with Outdoor Water Fun!

Summer is in full swing! Hopefully you aren’t already hearing the dreaded phrase, “I don’t have anything to do!” But in case you have, Red Apple Reading is coming to the rescue! Here’s a list of 10 outdoor water activities we’ve found on the web that will not only help your little one beat the heat, but will keep her entertained as well! And you know what we like best about these activities? They are super simple!