Parents who relish the idea of diving into a good book may be disappointed to discover that their child doesn’t enjoy reading. Some kids naturally take to reading while others do not.

There are numerous reasons why a child may not enjoy reading. By asking a few questions, parents can begin to discern the underlying issue and help their little one become more interested in books.

Don’t assume you understand why your child is reluctant to read. If you’ve noticed he is less than thrilled at the prospect of picking up a book, take time to explore the reason. Listening is the first step in helping a reluctant reader.

When They Would Rather Do Something Else
While there are children who naturally prefer books to other past times, it’s the rare child who would choose a book over electronics. If a child has unlimited gaming/television time, chances are she will not be picking up a book. Parents can go a long way in encouraging reading if they limit electronics. Perhaps your kiddo loves to be outside. Consider how you can incorporate reading with the outdoors. Hang a hammock and create an outdoor reading space or read aloud to your child while he shoots basketball. Be intentional and creative as you encourage your kiddo to read.

When Reading Is Boring
You may discover that your child doesn’t find the books on hand appealing. Think through what your child is interested in when selecting reading material. Whether your little one is into dinosaurs, super-heroes, or princesses, search for subject matter your child will find stimulating. Be sure you aren’t imposing your own tastes on her. If the school has parameters on what students can read, ask the teacher for some flexibility. If this isn’t possible it becomes more important to make certain interesting reading material is available at home.

When Reading Is Frustrating
Reading becomes a chore when kids struggle to comprehend the material. While your child may be able to read the words on the page, he may not understand what he has read. If your child finds himself in this boat, you can help him improve in this area. Try reading aloud together. Peruse and discuss chapter titles and challenging words together before reading. Pause often during reading to ask questions like, “What do you think will happen next?” or “Why do you think the character did that?” For other ideas to increase reading comprehension, visit our Reading Comp Coffers board on Pinterest. If you suspect your child may have a reading disability, consult his teacher and advocate for intervention. Struggling readers can achieve proficiency and enjoy the reading process. Check out our Struggling and Special Needs board on Pinterest.

When Reading Isn’t Typical
There’s more than one way to be a reader. Be willing to think outside of the box. If your kid doesn’t enjoy a traditional chapter book, perhaps she would like a graphic novel. Age appropriate magazines are wonderful options as well. A good book of poetry may also be what inspires your child. If you find that your kiddo is hesitant to read, be willing to try something different.

Don’t become discouraged if your child is reluctant to read. By listening and discovering what is limiting the love of reading, parents can begin to nurture a passion for the written word in their children.